Support Overview

We appreciate that however good a product may be, there will be times when difficulties in using the product are encountered. We take the issue of support very seriously and have a support structure in place which we trust will result in a speedy solution to you problem.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The FAQ page is the recommended first stop for new users of our products, as often this will provide an immediate answer to the large proportion of commonly encountered queries.


Source of information which includes:

Support Forum

Another important way in which users can get to know the product is though our user support forum where users can swap information on our software.

Submit a bug report

Before submitting a bug report, please ensure that you have referred to Known issues which lists known bugs (plus fixed bugs and which version fixed) to check that the problem has not already been reported. Also if you wish for a particular feature then please use the forum.

Please use this form to submit your report.

Contact support directly

If none of the above approaches do not help to resolve your problem, then please contact technical support: