Feature Request 26

Title: Add facility to lock format spacing for a measure

Priority: 2     

Feature Description :  


Suggested feature description:
Add facility to lock format spacing for a measure for a particular staff. When carefully moving notation, want facility so can lock a particular measure for a staff - so that a page format will not update it. Ref: example of adjusting notation for Prelude in C minor where notation for some measures has been slightly moved to accommodate sharps / naturals etc. Once a measure is locked - even inserting new notation - lock will remain in place. Whilst locked cannot carry out default spacing - popup measure will be greyed and text read "Def. Spacing - measures locked" - case where more than one staff some locked others not: "Def. Spacing - some staff measures locked" or similar text

Having spent time carefully moving some notation for a particular measure, can be frustrating if accidentally format measure to default spacing.

Tutorial facility: small blue padlock symbol above measure number to indicate measure locked



This webpage was last updated on 11-Feb-2010 at 04:27:38 PM