Fixed or proportional accent spacing.

Global setting: For any accent associated with a note - if the Accent Spacing Proportional checkbox (Document Setup Dialog) is set then the spacing between the accent and the note will remain proportional - dependant on the measure width. Consequently the accent will be drawn closer to the note as the measure width is reduced - converse if you increase the measure width. Not setting this checkbox results in the space being the same whatever the measure width.

Individual measure: To override the global setting for a particular measure, you can set a particular accent to be the opposite of the global setting via Format -> Current Measure : Misc. Tabbed Dialog.

Extensive notation set

(Apart from the more standard notation set), some of the more extensive notation included:

Notation Picture Notation Picture Other (more extensive) notation not illustrated includes:
cross/ diamond /square/ triang. note heads Noteheads double sharp Double sharp
  • Accent (vertical & horizontal) for notes
  • Crescendo and decrescendo
  • Dots
  • Duration (Dash, Staccato, Staccato + dash, Staccatissimo)
  • Grace notes (appoggiatiatura, acciaccatura, cross-bar etc.)
  • Pauses
  • Repeat beams for note stems (1 to 4)
  • Slurs
  • Ties
  • Trills
Mordents Mordents Turn Turnsplus mirror / bisect / accents etc.

Clef range

Standard 8 upper 8 lower
Treble Yes Treble Clef 8 upper Yes
Bass Yes Yes Bass Clef 8 lower
Alto Alto Clef Yes Yes
Tenor Yes Yes Yes